

Understanding Private Mortgage Insurance

There are many terms you'll learn while in the process of purchasing a home. Sometimes trying to learn what each term means and the difference between them can be overwhelming. One of these terms that can be confusing for many to understand is Private Mortgage Insurance. Luckily, we're here to help break it down so you can move forward in the process feeling confident! What [...]

November 16th, 2022|News|

Important Questions to Ask Your Lender

Buying a home is exciting and also extremely overwhelming. You probably already have a long list of questions to ask your lender. However, we have some important questions we want to make sure you include on this list so you don't miss out on helpful information! 1. Which Type of Mortgage is Best for Me? When you speak with your lender, you'll want to make [...]

October 19th, 2022|News|

Five Fun Facts About Mortgages

There are many people across the world with mortgages. But few know about the various interesting facts, such as how mortgages came to be, and so on. 1. First Use of the Word Mortgage The first time the term "mortgage" was used was back in the 1300s. When Confessio Amantis first used this word, it didn't have anything to do with homeownership. He used it to refer to marriage [...]

September 22nd, 2022|News|

Four Mortgage Myths, Debunked

Whether you're hearing mortgage myths from friends and family, or just finding the information online, finding out what it actually takes to become a homeowner can be difficult. We will fill you in on four common mortgage myths and give you the correct information so you feel confident moving forward as a future homeowner. 1. Myth: You Need 20% Down to Purchase a Home One of the most popular myths [...]

July 22nd, 2022|News|

How Credit Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score

What is a Credit Inquiry? Before we get into how a credit inquiry affects your credit score, let's briefly go over what it is exactly. A credit inquiry is a request made by an institution for credit report information from a credit reporting agency. This is done by lenders to check on your credit history before making a decision on lending you money for a house. The Difference Between Soft [...]

July 14th, 2022|News|

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